Print newsletter FAQs

Have a question? Can't find what you're looking for?
If you can't find the answer to your question here, get in touch.
We're standing by ready to provide you with the information you need.


In order to deliver your newsletter on time, all changes to clinic information must be finalised by the deadline.

Changes to clinic content are accepted any time up until midday (AWST) on the date shown for each edition.

We aim to have your changes made and a proof sent back to you for checking within 2 working days from receipt of your changes request.

Please ensure you send your changes well ahead of the deadline, to allow time for proofing and any further amendments that may need to be made.

Changes Deadline: Thursday 5 September 2024
Oct 2024 edition

Changes Deadline: Friday 4 October 2024
Nov 2024 edition

Changes Deadline: Tuesday 5 November 2024
Dec 2024 edition

Changes Deadline: Monday 2 December 2024
Jan 2025 edition

Changes Deadline: Monday 6 January 2025
Feb 2025 edition

Changes Deadline: Monday 3 Febuary 2025
Mar 2025 edition

Yes. We will send you an email inviting you to review your clinic file. You should receive this around the 15th of the month prior to the deadline.

We also encourage you to add reminders to your calendar or any other method to help you plan and schedule tasks and reminders. 

Deadlines for upcoming editions are listed in the answer to the question above.

Standard information includes a logo, street address and contact information. Clinic hours, services available, staff, appointments, and fees, as well as other standard policies and information are also common.

For new customers, we will provide you with a template as a guide to help you get started.

You can include images and photographs as part of your clinic content. Common use includes a logo, accreditation or membership logos, photos of staff, and even current events or clinic news.

Submit your changes using the online changes and proofing tool.

Click the button below to download the Online Changes User Guide .

Type the text you wish to include in a comment box or attach text-based file.

If you would like to include an image, please attach the file to a comment box.

Images and graphics require a high-resolution in order to print clearly and with clean lines. Low resolution images can appear blurry or smudged. All images should be added as an attachment to a comment box within the online changes system.

Minimum resolution: 300dpi
File size: 1MB minimum

Logos & Graphics
Ideally these files should be vector-based. The designer or firm who created your logo/graphic should be able to supply a vector image. Preferred file types: .ai, .eps or .pdf.

File types such as .bmp, .gif or .png are not suitable for print.

Preferred file types: .jpg or .tif (not .bmp, .gif or .png).

Submit your request for changes before the deadline.

1. You will receive an email inviting you to check your proof.

2. Click the link in the email to view your clinic file and review your information.

3. If changes are needed, add them as comments on the file and then click the "Needs Changes" button to submit them to us for action.

4. If no changes are needed, click the "Approve" button.

5. If you have requested changes, we will update your file, upload a new version, and send you an email to let you know it's there.

You will be sent an invitiation to review your practice information around 3 weeks before the deadline. This proof is your current file and will be sent to print unless changes are submitted.

If you submit changes, you will be sent an email notification once we have updated your file and a new proof is ready to view online.  While every attempt is made to update your file as quickly as possible, please allow up to 48 hours after submitting your request.

Upcoming topics

October 2024

- How eyes work and common refractive problems
- The difference between IBD and IBS
- The benefits of better balance
- Understanding reflexes and the knee-jerk test
- Quinoa: nutrients and health benefits


All newsletters are expected to have been delivered to you before the edition's publication month begins. Eg, delivery before the end of June for the July/August edition.

If you have still not received them by the 3rd of the publication month, please let us know so we can investigate on your behalf.

Our policy is that we must be advised of any non-deliveries by the 5th of the month. We will not accept claims after this date.


Payment can be made by either direct debit or credit card. Please download the appropriate form, complete and return to us.

We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express.

No credit card surcharge is applied.

Pay by Direct Debit
To authorise payment by deducting the amount due from your nominated bank account please download, complete and return the following form.

Direct Debit Payment Authorisation

Pay by Credit Card
To authorise payment to be charged against a credit card please download, complete and return the following form.

Credit Card Payment Authorisation

Undecided? We're here to help.

"Preventative health promotion to encourage improved patient health"


PO Box 813, Mt Lawley, Western Australia 6929
1300 661 553 or +61 8 9272 6555
info [at]


Your Doctor has been supporting GPs and medical centres with their publishing needs since 1992. Our team are committed to providing customer service excellence and supporting our customers to achieve their goals.

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